About fires.

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About fires.

About fires About fires

Dear editors, in the summer and fall of 2010, a lot was written and said about fires in the villages and towns of the country, what the people thought about it, about the Prime Minister's response to one writer, etc.

I want to say that apparently our people were given too much will and independence, but in reality it turned out to be permissiveness and impunity, so the majority lives by the principle of «love yourself, sneeze at everyone and success awaits you in life» and «man is a wolf to man».

It is no secret that since ancient times in Russia in all settlements there were fire brigades, from among the population, and each resident had their own responsibilities in the prevention, warning and outbreak of fire, who leads, who hits the rail, who carries water, who rolls out the hoses for supplying water, etc. — and this was truly a common concern and responsibility.

And what about today — everyone has hid in their holes, some in hovels — apartments, some in palaces — cottages, everyone on their own, maybe it will pass them by, but it will not affect me. The blatant illiteracy of the population (from the janitor to the official of any rank) in matters of a safe lifestyle also aggravates. Here, officials from education, for example, hide behind the program of life safety for children, saying that this is quite enough for them, and what kind of «specialists» in most cases actually teach this subject??? Is it really not clear that today is not the Stone Age, but civilization has negative sides, any weather, any situation can become an emergency, and by and large, our whole life is an emergency.

But if a person is not taught from childhood, from school, to take their own safety in all its forms seriously, and the State does not conduct appropriate systematic propaganda, then the same ignoramuses will grow up as we have now, and what if they also decide?! For example, from the point of view of such «specialists», why do we need firefighters and rescuers? They are idlers, they eat up the state money, and from time to time they put out fires and save something somewhere. It would never occur to such a bureaucrat that the health and lives of many hundreds, if not thousands of people depend on his decisions and actions. But not so long ago, in China they decided — what are sparrows for, they peck grain — they killed them, and then all sorts of bugs — cockroaches devoured the harvest in a flash. That's how our «woeful economist specialists» did the same with departmental fire departments, depots and other units — they cancelled it for the sake of economy, and the State closed its eyes and turned away, but the «owner» knows better from the cellar than we do from the roof. (In general, our State is somehow strange, for some reason, where it is not necessary at all, it will crawl under your blanket with riot police — what are you doing here? huh?, but where you really need to show yourself, you won't find it with fire in daylight.

Here in Krasnoyarsk Krai, some branches of government, for better or worse, care about the population (they understand that if there is no population, then who will collect taxes from and who will govern then?) and have developed a regional target program for fire safety, according to which, along with many other measures, several dozen fire ponds have been built in villages, and more than 300 settlements have been equipped with mobile fire-fighting and rescue complexes «Ogneborets», also developed in Krasnoyarsk, which have the necessary minimum of fire-fighting equipment and inventory designed to extinguish various types of fires. If only those who suffered from the fire in the west of the country had such things, you see, there would be fewer troubles.

In conclusion, I would like to quote a classic (although it is very bitter that so much trouble has been caused and will be caused by these fires) — «a drowning man must save himself». People, understand that the president and the prime minister will not be able to come to everyone, and it is not their business, and even with buckets, shovels and hooks to extinguish your «garden» for you, while you are lying on the stove. You elected your local government yourselves, so shake it like a pear, power first of all means caring for your people and responsibility to them, and privileges come later, although in our country for some reason it is the other way around, and in hindsight we are all smart.

With respect, Alexander!

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