A new era of CCTV.
Once upon a time, CCTV systems were analog. In our harsh present, systems with digital signal processing have firmly taken their place. Most cameras have a digital processor. Recording is done on a hard drive. The matrix switch is being replaced by computer-based systems. In fact, only the communication line remains from analog systems. Coaxial cable, fiber optics or twisted pair are still firmly holding their positions. But gradually they are being replaced by new systems that use digital communication lines.
At present, the TCP/IP protocol is very successfully promoted. It is dominant in all areas: telephony, television, not to mention data transmission networks (for which, in fact, it was developed). Security television systems are no exception. Almost all manufacturers have at least an IP camera or a WEB transmitter in their product line.
Stereotypes and mistrust of specialists and the end user's craving for new systems are a strange combination. Although I understand the opinion of specialists, IP systems were still very weak in quality, the unguaranteed communication channel only worsened the situation, and the lack of normal central equipment made the system unfinished. But time does not stand still. New equipment appears, technologies are developed, user needs increase. Systems limited to 16 cameras on the territory of a plant or in a bank building resemble a children's construction set, available to everyone or almost everyone.
It is much more interesting to consider a modern IP-TV security system designed on the territory of one plant.
TaskThe plant's territory has a perimeter of 2800 square meters with distributed workshops, several observation posts and, of course, the main observation post, where one operator will monitor hundreds of surveillance cameras — I think many are familiar with this situation.
The task is simple. In total we have three workshops, one administrative building, auxiliary buildings. The perimeter as a separate responsible area, common areas, car parks. Each building has its own system with its own post. It is necessary to ensure monitoring of each area inside it at several posts. At the main post it is necessary to ensure the possibility of monitoring and access to the archive from all cameras.
ChoiceTo solve this problem, we will take the PANASONIC I-PRO series equipment. This series has a full range of devices for a security television system. These are standard cameras, which will allow you to select the desired angles. Dome robotic cameras for surveillance. Megapixel cameras will allow you to get a very high-quality image for further identification of objects or people. There are also ready-made devices for archiving, software products for monitoring and a remote control for all equipment. All this will allow you to create a high-quality professional system. Any line with a 10/100Base-T interface can be used as a cable conduit. It should also be remembered that a video stream is serious, and hundreds of video streams are very serious. To solve these issues, you need to involve IT specialists and build a separate data transmission network. Remote monitoring can also use a common network.
Construction First, you need to decide on the number and type of cameras. To do this, we will compile a table of surveillance zones and the result that we want to get in each zone. Table 1. Observation zones
It should be noted that up to 8 users can connect to one camera. When N users are connected, the bandwidth increases N times. All cameras are capable of transmitting 2 image standards: JPEG, for high-quality images, and MPEG-4 for better perception.
Next, we need to figure out the operators, where, how much and what they will watch. For simplicity, we will summarize in a table.
Table 2.. Operators
Now it is necessary to select the central and additional equipment.
As a central device, you can choose one of the WJ-ND200 or WJ-ND300 recorders, or perhaps a combination of them. WJ-ND300 allows you to connect up to 32 cameras and has pluggable disk memory expansion units, and WJ-ND200 supports 16 cameras and has 2 replaceable 120 GB cartridges with hot swapping. When calculating the number of connected cameras, you must remember that all cameras are connected via 1 port at 100 Mb/s, and part of this resource is spent on service commands, and part on line losses and error correction. WJ-ND300 seems more reliable in this matter, it has 2 10/100Base-T ports, separated for connecting cameras and control software. In our case, 13 WJ-ND300 devices will be required, distributed across the facility. When designing, a detailed calculation should be made for each recorder, its network load and disk memory capacity.
Monitoring is performed via a desktop computer using additional software ASM-100 or ASM-10. The difference between these software is that ASM-10 is a monitoring program and does not allow viewing the archive and supports only 1 monitor, while ASM-100 can work with 3 monitors, one of which displays a plan of the facility, which makes it easier to view images. As a result, we have several monitoring methods:
full access using ASM-100 software;
monitoring of the current image using the ASM-10 software;
monitoring of 4–8 cameras using the built-in WEB interface of the cameras;
full access to the segment using the WEB interface of the recorder (we will consider the segment to be cameras connected to one recorder).
The most difficult stage in building this system is calculating the network. Firstly, this area is not dominant in CCTV. Usually, this connection is made by an IT specialist. Secondly, this is where savings should be achieved, so a “head-on” calculation is not suitable. Thirdly, it is at this stage that all bottlenecks will arise. Let's try to analyze all these subtleties and reduce them to the simplest calculation. To organize a network, you can use two types of cable: twisted pair and optical cable, which, in turn, are divided into different types and categories. The main difference for us is the low price of twisted pair and the long range of optical cable. Also, an integral element of any network is active equipment. We will be interested only in switches, but there are several types: the simplest and, accordingly, inexpensive unmanaged switches and more complex, accordingly, expensive switches of the 3rd and 2nd levels. It is necessary to immediately determine the connection points and the maximum channel load, which depends on the number of connections and the network topology. All cameras have a 10/100BaseT interface. Some cameras support the PoE standard, which means that there is no need to run an additional power line for them. In some cases, you can use the DWL-P50 PoE adapter to connect 12 V cameras. For example, the DES-1008P switch at a cost of ~3,000 rubles has 8 ports, 4 of which support PoE, and the DES-1526 switch for ~17,000 rubles has 24 ports with PoE support + 2 1000Base-T ports, or you can install additional modules for the optical cable. High-speed ports will provide trunk lines when connecting devices. In order not to make a mistake and avoid errors, it is better to summarize all the data in one table, which will list all the connections and operating modes for each camera, as well as the network load in each location. This table is very cumbersome, but it allows you to see all the bottlenecks and optimizes the entire network. All that remains is to count the number of devices and calculate the benefit received.
ConclusionThe constructed system is a reliable, easily serviced, upgradeable and expandable system. For such a system on analog equipment, it would be necessary to use a matrix switch and lay tens of kilometers of cable. The system based on IP equipment requires 10-20 times less total cable length. If we assume that to connect one camera with coordinate laying, an average of 200 m is required, and the number of cameras is 180, then the cable savings will be more than 30 km. But this is the most optimistic approach to coordinate laying, where at a distance of more than 200 m it is necessary to use special transmitters or lay a fairly expensive cable. Add to this the uselessness of trays, since the main lines are 4-5 cables. All this will reduce the time of work, simplify the setup process. The quality of this system is the highest, the entire route from the CCD matrix to the monitor the signal passes in digital form. Network maintenance can be carried out by IT department specialists.
All this speaks of only one thing – the IP era of security television has arrived.
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