A brief excursion on the methods of hackers.
A brief excursion on the methods of hackers Frivolity provokes
«Oh, who needs to rob us? We have nothing to take!» Anyone who thinks like that risks becoming a victim of hackers soon. After all, another hack happens almost every two minutes.
Not only the homes of the rich are broken into, but also the apartments of those who consider themselves to be middle class. Crime statistics show that in about a third of all cases after a robbery no traces of forced entry can be found. Very often, when leaving, the owners simply do not close the windows or doors of the first floor balconies, even if no one is left at home.
In many cases, the victims themselves help the burglars get into the house. For example, they leave the keys to the house under a rug or a flower pot.
In some cases, the owners literally hand over the keys to the burglar themselves, for example, by placing an ad in the newspaper for a helper to take care of pets and plants during the holidays.
70 percent of burglaries occur spontaneously, because «a very convenient opportunity has arisen.» Amateur criminals and accidental thieves can rarely be recognized by any external signs, even if most of them are young people and drug addicts «earning» their drugs. They never carry conspicuous burglary tools with them.
Very often, ordinary pliers or a screwdriver are enough for them to open a door, or a glass cutter to cut a hole in a window pane. The most curious burglar's tool, which can be freely purchased in stores, although it is actually intended for firefighters and rescuers, is a device similar to a corkscrew, sold under the trade mark «Tsifix». With its help, you can break even a mortise cylinder lock in a matter of seconds. «Spontaneous» burglars prefer to go out to work at midday, taking advantage of the daily bustle, noise and the fact that residents do not know each other well. They are primarily interested in apartments in high-rise buildings, but they do not neglect private housing, which is poorly protected from burglary. They steal everything that they can easily carry with them. The decisive factor for them is not the amount of the stolen goods, but the ease of breaking in.
Big catch for «professionals»
A «professional» burglar will only take on a job that is truly worth it. Before «going out on a limb», he, unlike a casual burglar, will soberly weigh all the chances of success against the risks associated with failure. When planning a crime, he even takes into account the severity of the sentence that threatens him in the event of being caught. Criminals-burglars make detailed inquiries about all the habits of the residents, about the valuables they have and how securely they are stored.
The favorite targets of «professionals» are primarily summer cottages and luxury cottages. For the sake of especially attractive objects, the «professional» will spare no effort, using any opportunity.
What time do burglars prefer
The most wonderful time of the year — the holiday season — is also the main season for burglaries. At this time, no one can stop criminals from breaking into the house and making a lot of money from the owner's property. Burglars literally smell when the owners have been away for a long time. For example, overflowing mailboxes, blinds that have not been raised for weeks, an unchanging amount of garbage in the dumpster, as well as an answering machine informing you that you are on vacation clearly indicate this.
Burglars who decide to take advantage of the short-term absence of residents work in a terrible hurry. They choose the time between 11 and 14 o'clock, when the owners are at work or doing shopping, as well as the evening or night time, when normal people go to the cinema, a concert, or just sleep soundly.
Burglars always take the easiest route: in apartment buildings and high-rise towers, they prefer to use the front door of the apartment to break into the building. The front door is usually the only place through which you can enter an apartment located on the top floor. Despite this, it is often not well secured: an experienced burglar can deal with it in a few seconds. Burglars take risks to get rich.
Burglars enter single-family and two-family homes through basement pits, windows, and back doors. Therefore, all windows and doors that open from the inside and are easily accessible from the outside are vulnerable to thieves and should be protected by mechanical means.
The consequences of break-ins are always unpleasant: less than 20 percent of all break-ins are solved; the chances of getting back the stolen property are even lower. In addition, the destruction caused by the burglars must be taken into account. The damage caused by the vandalism of burglars often exceeds the value of the stolen property. Having found nothing of value, burglars take out their anger on the furniture.
Finally, the insurance company will only be able to compensate you for material damage. To do this, you will have to prove that the incident is covered by your insurance and that you have taken all the necessary security measures. But what burglars fear most is that they almost always have to reckon with the possibility of being caught red-handed. Therefore, they are usually forced to hurry. Unusual sounds, such as rattling window glass, cause suspicion, so burglars always try to work silently.
Caught burglars gave their assessment criteria:
• A house makes the most “repulsive” impression if the entire area and potential entry points are clearly visible.
• Clearly visible protective measures from the outside (additional locks, window bars, etc.) influence the decision.
• More than half of those surveyed are scared off by the presence of a dog.
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