16th International Exhibition «Security, Safety and Fire Protection»/MIPS.


16th International Exhibition «Security, Safety and Fire Protection»/MIPS.

TZ correspondent talks with the exhibition director Yulia RODIKOVA about what is happening in the security market today and what awaits MIPS 2010.

— The last time we talked was on the eve of the exhibition. How did it go? What can you say about its results?

Yulia Rodikova:
— This year the exhibition celebrated its 15th anniversary.

Despite the difficult economic conditions that affect any business, interest in the exhibition was high: 315 companies took part in MIPS, a number of countries presented national expositions, including, in particular, Great Britain, China, Taiwan.

We were very pleased with the large number of new products presented and the significant increase in visitors, especially specialists from the regions.

For the first time, MIPS was held simultaneously with the Cardex & IT Security exhibition, which will be a section of it starting this year.

We received a lot of good feedback about the conference, dedicated to new security requirements for unique, high-rise and technically complex facilities.

In my opinion, the exhibition was a real event for specialists, who this year, more than ever, sought active communication.


— What is happening in the security market now? How are preparations going for the next exhibition? What are the forecasts for next year?

Yulia Rodikova:

— In the security market, as in other industries, there is a reduction in costs, including marketing.

Nevertheless, they try not to refuse participation in the exhibition, understanding that this is a unique tool that allows not only to present products, but also to personally communicate with clients.

In addition, at the exhibition, all processes occurring in the market, possible directions of its development and pace are visible as if in the palm of your hand.

And contacts with clients allow you to obtain fairly accurate information about production volumes, potential demand and the actual price level.

Accordingly, it is possible to promptly identify the needs that exist in the industry and determine the need to change the sales structure, which will ultimately allow the company not only to maintain its business, but also to discover new development paths.

Regarding MIPS 2010, I can say that compared to the same period last year, companies have booked 15% more exhibition space.

About 70% is already occupied.

This is a very good indicator, which indicates that next year the exhibition will not decrease, but will even grow.

I think this is due to the fact that if previously companies could afford to participate in several exhibitions, and not only in the capital, but also in the regions, now is not the time to spread yourself thin, and it is necessary to make a choice in favor of the most effective event.


— By what criteria can you evaluate the effectiveness of an exhibition?

Yulia Rodikova:

— Everyone has different goals for participation: finding new clients, maintaining relationships with old ones, and studying the marketing strategy of competitors.

We cannot exclude the image component, which is now more relevant than ever, because by participating in the exhibition, companies demonstrate their reliability and stable position in the market.

In order to constantly be aware of the needs of our exhibitors, we conduct marketing research and surveys every year.

This year, we received positive feedback from 90% of participants about both the exhibition itself and the quality of visitors.

This information is open, we post it on the official website of the exhibition mips.ru.

In my opinion, the most important thing is that contracts are concluded at MIPS. The participants themselves say this in their reviews.

Despite the reduction in travel expenses, many specialists from the regions come to the exhibition.

But there is no idle public here, which is good news.

After all, the exhibition is designed primarily for specialists.

Those who make decisions and do business come here.

An audit shows that 99% of MIPS visitors are security market professionals.

That is why the exhibition always has a very businesslike atmosphere (this is clearly visible from the photographs posted on the website).

For our part, we make a lot of efforts to be useful to our clients.



— That is, companies make decisions about participating in MIPS well in advance?

Yulia Rodikova:

— They have accepted and are accepting.

After all, for many, today's situation is a time of new opportunities, when there is a chance to take a larger market share and win new consumers.

And this can be done with minimal costs.

Thus, according to research conducted in the USA, attracting one client at an exhibition costs several times less than using the direct sales model.

Of course, companies are now paying more attention to alternative promotion methods (PR, Internet), but exhibitions remain a very important marketing tool.

Many of them consider participation in MIPS as an effective anti-crisis solution. This can also be judged by the feedback from this year's participants.


— Which companies have already confirmed their participation in next year's exhibition?

Yulia Rodikova:

— There are quite a lot of them, and they are all well known to specialists.

I don't think I'll be able to list them all. These are ITV, AAM Systems, Armo-Systems, Acumen, Argus Spectr, Louis+, Skyros Corporation, Elix Group, Axis Communications, ABC Electronics, Sigma-IS, Bolid, Roxa, Bayterg, Goytebruk-Rus, DSSL, Ivs-Signalspetsavtomatika, Kaba, Poliset-SB, SBC-Computar, Assa Abloy, Vokord, Tyco, Mitsubishi, Effeff, Fujinon, Paradox, Dedicated Micros, Cias, Satel, System Sensor, EVS, Urmet and many others.

We regularly post the full list of participants on the exhibition website.

Some companies traditionally participate only in our exhibition, others have chosen MIPS after the successful exhibition this year.


— What new products will be presented at MIPS 2010?

Yulia Rodikova:

— Companies are in no hurry to reveal their plans. Usually, they announce their developments on the eve of the exhibition.

I hope that there will be even more new products reflecting global trends in the security market.

The business program will traditionally include seminars, the Best Innovative Product competition, and the international conference Security of Unique and Technically Complex Facilities.

The Smart Cards section will also be significantly expanded.

ID technologies.

Information security.

Banking equipment.


— What new things will the organizers offer to participants and visitors of the future exhibition?

Yulia Rodikova:

— This year we have implemented an electronic registration system for the exhibition, which has proven itself very well.

We will improve it and increase its efficiency.

In addition to posting up-to-date information about the industry and participants on the website, we plan to launch an RSS feed so that specialists can receive a brief overview of the news daily.




— Are there prospects for new security exhibitions?

Yulia Rodikova:

— The exhibition market is already a field of fierce competition.

Will the organizers be able to offer the market something fundamentally new that has not yet been invented by international exhibition companies operating in Russia?

Unlikely. Therefore, an invitation to participate in new security projects is an experiment at the expense of the exhibitor, since it is unknown how effective the exhibition will be.

A promise to attract new visitors?

I doubt it. Any security market professional has certainly visited one of the existing industry exhibitions and is probably in the organizers' database.

In my opinion, now is not the time to experiment at your own expense; it is better to choose an option that has been tested over the years.


— And finally. Why would you recommend participating in MIPS?

Yulia Rodikova:

— The organizer of MIPS is the international company ITE, the leader in the number of professional events held in Russia.

All of the company's projects comply with generally accepted international standards; ITE exhibitions are a kind of quality mark. MIPS has been held for 16 years.

It is time-tested, has a solid reputation, a well-established organization, and an extensive database of specialist visitors.

MIPS provides all the opportunities for effective work and concluding profitable contracts.

Well-known companies strive to come here.

If you are represented at MIPS, it means that your business is developing successfully.

At least, that is what the visitors to the exhibition think.

Represented at the exhibition means that you are reliable and financially stable.

And for MIPS participants, this is an opportunity to get clients and earn money for the entire year.

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